For a charming kid’s craft this Ramadan, make date and candy lollipops. Palm trees and fun characters will keep kids occupied during long summer afternoons – or if you’re hosting a dinner party, it’s a great craft to put out on the kids table. This craft uses gelatin free gummy candy and pitless honey dates, both available at supermarkets and bulk food stores.

For Date Palm Tree:
- 1 deluxe ju jube, green
- 1 date
- Scissors
For Party Hat Date:
- 1 grapefruit gummy candy
- 1 jumbo nonpareil in colour of your choice
- 2 white jumbo nonpareils
- 1 red sprinkle
- 1 date
- 1 large gumdrop in colour of your choice
- 1 pretzel stick (optional)
- Black food writer pen
- Scissors
- Bamboo skewer or toothpick

For Date Palm Tree:
- Use scissors to cut ju jube in half. Cut slits around edge to resemble date palm tree.
- Cut top part off date to reveal sticky part. Stick ju jube here.

For Party Hat Date:
- Cut grapefruit gummy candy to create party hat. Be sure to cut the candy from the bottom as well to reveal sticky part. Stick to top of date. Snip a small piece at the top of the party hat. Add colourful nonpareil.
- Use bamboo skewer to poke eye sockets in date. Insert white nonpareils. Use the food writer pen to draw pupils.
- Poke a line in the date for the mouth. Insert red sprinkle.
- Cut bottom of date to reveal sticky part.
- Cut top of large gum drop to reveal sticky part. Stick date to gumdrop.
- If desired, snip pretzel stick in half. Poke arm holes into date using bamboo skewer and insert pretzels.
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